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Asian Secret 2 in 1 Anti-pimple and Whitening Soap

Hello beautiful people! 

Today Im gonna talk about the acne soap I got from the groceries, it's Asian Secret 2 in 1 Anti-pimple and Whitening Soap. It cost Php 24.00 the time I bought it. I have used the entire soap for a month on my face and my verdict, well it kinda dried some of my huge pimples and some that's about to pop however, when I used this soap, I was also breaking out. Some dried up and some just lasted for a week (usual pimple or acne life on my face).

I dont find the smell irritating and I dont find it drying on my face. I don't feel like it can thoroughly clean my face though since it's kinda creamy when lathering.

It's a so-so soap for me but as for the whitening, I think it kinda lighten my face. 

I was thinking maybe I can use it on my body instead because it kinda lighten my face and my neck seems to appear darker after using it (uneven now). 😹😹😹


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