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The Comfy Chair Astrology

It's good to be back. Although I'm still feeling the side effects of laziness, I need to be productive somehow even by simply sharing my thoughts. Ive been dragging myself down these past few days. It's been tough these past few months. Although I am done with the skills training, I feel that Ive been away with music and I've been so prone to stress, anxiety, pressure and depression. I feel that it's killing my passion slowly so I need to push myself, in a good way.

The reason why I am sharing this interesting blogpost is because I've been so curious about one person that it lead me to searching our zodiac compatibility, lol. He's a Virgo and I'm a Pisces. A lot of the readings I had says it's not a good match. Yes! I am quite sad but anyway i still see astrology as an entertainment, it won't define what I have with him no and so far, it's the best I relationship I have with someone.

Well enough of the talking, lol. After reading so much about zodiac compatibility, I come across this blog
It makes me wonder if being introverted has something to do with having less turbulence with an introverted Virgo. I find it really true somehow and I can see that light! 

Comfy Chair Astrology blogspot


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