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Oh It's Redhorse!

Indeed! Everybody loves Redhorse beer I think lmao. Well I'm not really into it if you're asking me. I stay away from beer as much as possible. I just don't like the feeling after drinking them. It kinda makes me feel dehydrated not to mention the hangover after waking up.

Fresh Milk
The famous Redhorse Beer Logo

Trust me, it's milk, fresh milk, Alaska fresh milk in it! lol You may wonder how I got that glass. My cousin used to work in the bottling company and he has lots of it to the point that he wanted to give it away hahah. I think we got five. Yes it is cool because it's limited edition lol.


He probably gave that  like more than 7 years ago now and you know how typical Filipino moms are when it comes to keeping kitchen wares. It's hidden somewhere in the cabinet for many years. 


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